In LayZee UI how to Set, Get and Delete Cookies using Vanilla JavaScript | Kaily

How to Set, Get and Delete Cookies using Vanilla JavaScript in LayZee UI Blogger Theme.
In LayZee UI how to Set, Get and Delete Cookies using Vanilla JavaScript
© Kaily | How to Set, Get and Delete Cookies using Vanilla JavaScript in LayZee UI Blogger Theme.

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to SET, GET and DELETE Cookies using Vanilla JavaScript In LayZee UI. We will create functions to reduce our codes and make it easy to do these operations. It will help you in your JavaScript projects.

Getting Started

Follow the following steps to use the codes in your HTML document.


Add the following JavaScript codes under a <script> in the head section of your HTML document.

const Cookie = {
  get: (e) => { e = document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(?:^|; )" + e.replace(/([.$?*|{}()[\]\\/+^])/g, "$1") + "=([^;]*)")); return e ? decodeURIComponent(e[1]) : void 0 },
  set: (e, n, o = {}) => { o = { path: "/", ...o }, o.expires instanceof Date && (o.expires = o.expires.toUTCString()); let c = unescape(encodeURIComponent(e)) + "=" + unescape(encodeURIComponent(n)); for (var t in o) { c += "; " + t; var a = o[t]; !0 !== a && (c += "=" + a) } document.cookie = c },
  rem: (e) => { Cookie.set(e, "", { "max-age": -1 }) }


.set(key, value, [config]) ⇒ void
.get(key) ⇒ Cookie key value
.rem(key) ⇒ void

Cookie.set(key, value, [config]) ⇒ void

To set cookie with desired key and value.

Param Type Default Description
key string Key of the cookie to set
value string Value of the cookie key
[config] object { path: "/" } To add "max-age" (number), secure (boolean), etc




  const userDetails = {
    name: "Kaily",
    email: ""
  Cookie.set("user", JSON.stringify(userDetails), { secure: true, "max-age": 3600 });

To get cookie with its key.

Param Type Default Description
key string Key of the cookie to get


string: value of the cookie key if exists.

undefined: if cookie key doesn't exists.


  const cookieValue = Cookie.get("user");
  const userObj = cookieValue != undefined ? JSON.parse(cookieValue) : null;

Cookie.rem(key) ⇒ void

To remove cookie with its key.

Param Type Default Description
key string Key of the cookie to remove






Read Also :
In LayZee UI how to Set, Get and Delete Cookies using Vanilla JavaScript | Kaily
In LayZee UI how to Set, Get and Delete Cookies using Vanilla JavaScript | Kaily

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